Browsing Category "malaysia election news"

Close Election Leaves the Fate of Malaysia’s Premier Uncertain

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Though it held on to power in the election on Sunday, the governing National Front coalition suffered an important ...

Protests raise pressure in "polarised" Malaysia election fraud?

KUALA LUMPUR: A planned wave of protests over disputed Malaysian elections is the most provocative challenge to the government in years, upp...

Anwar Ibrahim: Malaysia Election ' the mother of all frauds'

BATU KAWAN, Malaysia:   ​ Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Saturday called Malaysia's recent elections "the mother of all frauds&...

Malaysia Voting Fraud: Sign Petition to United Nation - Click HERE

[pullquote_left]To join and sign click button below Thank You Malaysianreview[/pullquote_left]Thank you for signing the petition "Unite...

Election Fraud: Malaysian send petition letter to White House - GE13

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Democracy crisis in Malaysia: foreign workers were employed for fraud voting in Malaysian General E...

Corruption, Chaos and Change - GE13 Najib Razak by Mariam Mokhtar

No one wants chaos or disruption in our everyday lives. Our leaders were given a chance to listen, but they refused. Change is in the air, a...