Election Fraud: Malaysian send petition letter to White House - GE13

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 6:49 PTG

white house us


Democracy crisis in Malaysia: foreign workers were employed for fraud voting in Malaysian General Election.

Dear all,

We are the concerned citizens of Malaysia, and hereby we are writing you a letter, which we need your attention urgently and international solidarity supports.

The regime of Malaysia's National Coalition Front (Barisan Nasional), had bribed to the official recruitment agency of Bangladesh, to allow a huge number of Bangladeshi workers (estimated about 600,000 people) deported from their homeland to Malaysia for such despicable and non democratic action.

We are hereby requesting ladies and gentlemen to provide solidarity supports and necessary assistances for us, to ensure the election can be conducted in clean and fair manners. For more information and evidence, here is the news link: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-967755.

Long live democracy.


Kuan-Ping Ang and etc

Created: May 04, 2013
Source US Issues: Foreign Policy, Human Rights, Labor