AG’s appointment to TH Board ‘poor judgment’, says Dr Dzulkefly

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 10:09 PTG

KUALA LUMPUR: If push comes to shove, said Amanah Strategy Director Dzulkefly Ahmad, Attorney-General Mohd Apandi Ali’s appointment to the Board of Tabung Haji may conflict and/or impinge on his role as the Public Prosecutor in cases involving the institution’s legal wranglings.

 “Why the rush to appoint Apandi Ali to the Board when he’s two months away from mandatory retirement.” “Is it of utmost urgency that Apandi Ali be appointed before his term actually expires?

Will he get an extension?” Granted, said Dzulkefly, that the Attorney-General has just handed down a verdict exonerating Najib of all criminal offences, despite the entire world saying otherwise.

“Has it not been agreed, by convention, that persons holding high public offices should not be rewarded with positions, after retirement, especially in government-linked institutions?”

 “The public perception may attribute such appointments to nepotism and the politics of patronage.”

While Najib can literally do anything and at anytime, according to his whims and fancies and with impunity, said Dzulkefly, “the rakyat could do likewise when the time comes.”
Dzulkefly was commenting on whether Najib was insulting the rakyat further when they were already on their knees with fatal blows.

“Najib has just been given the ‘kiss of death’ by Apandi, while obliviously grinning.”

Dzulkefly reckons that it is the perception out there that Najib in his euphoria, and still gloating, instructed Tabung Haji to appoint Apandi as a board member, even before the dust of the damning decision on the mega scandals had even settled.

 “No one can be blamed for perceiving and construing Apandi’s appointment to the TH Board as a huge reward for a favour well done.” - FMT