Dr Haron Din was able to secure the PAS - Youth

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 9:42 PTG
KUALA LUMPUR: PAS Youth Malaysia welcomes the appointment of Datuk Dr Haron Din as Al-PAS spiritual leader of the new.

Its leader, Suhaizan baiat said the appointment is in fact consistent with the requirements of Clause 8 (6) of the Constitution PAS.

"As a scientist who figures respected by friends and foes, his appointment was seen as an initiative to bring together the SAF members and leadership," he told Harakahdaily.

In addition, he said Dr Haron Din also viewed able to drive forward the agenda of PAS in tarbiyah, missionary and siyasah (political) at national and international levels.

"Hopefully with this appointment also PAS will remain strong and united in fulfilling the aspirations of Malaysians who want to see PAS has been able to change the future of Malaysia towards better governance," he said.

Appointment of Dr Haron Din as PAS spiritual leader to replace the late Mr. Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat decided in PAS Ulema Shura Council meeting on 8 March.

The meeting also appointed acting head of the Ulema Council PAS Centre, Ustaz Ahmad Yakob as Deputy PAS spiritual leader. -