Check Out KIPA Photo Awards Offers Cultural Emersion via Homestays

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 12:10 PTG
Sometimes it is not the picture itself that is important but it’s the story the behind the photo that make a picture so power. The understanding of what happened before the photo was taken and what impact the photo had on the world after it was taken. The narrative is part of the art of photography as much as the latest technology is the science taking the dslr

Understanding this the Kedah International Photography Awards or KIPA is working with local homestay operators in Kedah developed packages that allows photographers to experience a cultural emersion into the state that can boast the oldest cultural history in South East Asia.

“We released from very early on in the development of KIPA that photographers want to have a real experience and what to see thing and capture things that were not only real but authentic. Kedah is known to a select group of historians as the oldest civilization in South East Asia but this has yet to filter into the knowledge of the general population” Stated the Organising Chairman, Nordin Abdullah.

“Working with the homestays in Kedah has created two opportunities for photographers participating in the Awards, firstly, they will stay with the local people of Kedah so they will get all the old stories know to the local people. Secondly, some of the best locations are in the more remote locations, homestays are the best accommodation options in those areas” added Nordin The KIPA “Photo Trails” developed to guide photographers to places of interest from the mountains, lakes and rivers, marine parks, ancient ruins, historical sites, beaches, Kedah’s diverse people and their cultures to the iconic rice fields.

Kedah has over 100 homestays located all across the state, many of the operators are willing help photographers scout for the spots to get the best shots. For more information about homestays in Kedah and to join the Kedah International Photography Awards visit

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Source Malaysia Travel News Web via Admin KIPA official: Rita MH