Ex DAP Tunku Aziz: Time To Give Non-Malays Bumiputera Status

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 2:28 PTG
[pullquote_left]What the left wing PERKASA and some extremist racist NGO would say?[/pullquote_left]PETALING JAYA: Former DAP vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim says it is time the Barisan Nasional (BN) government considered allowing non-Malays to enjoy bumiputera status and giving fair amount of aid to all races to promote national unity.

Discriminatory policies do not contribute to national unity, he noted, adding that all Malaysians born and bred in the country should enjoy bumiputera status.

Tunku Aziz said allowing non-Malays to enjoy bumiputera status will make some who are enjoying the status unhappy, but he felt this group should be prepared to sacrifice and share with others for the sake of the nation's future.

In an interview with China Press published today, he pointed out that Malays are not the only people facing poverty and as such, the government should assist the various ethnic groups through equitable policies.

"We should look at it in the interest of the majority of the people. For the good of the country, the government should let non-Malays enjoy bumiputra status too," he said.

Tunku Aziz also felt that the May 13 incident is part of history and should not be considered a taboo or used for finger-pointing purposes.

"We should not talk anymore about who instigated May 13 but to learn a lesson from it and to understand history."

He said the various races in the country still did not have a deep understanding of one another, adding that "we may not even know our own neighbours".



source - The Sun Daily