N Dharmendran death funeral video and pictures

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 6:48 PTG
The shocking and violent death of N Dharmendran in a police lock-up on Tuesday from blunt trauma, has triggered urgings for an open inquiry to identify those responsible and to immediately suspend the police officers involved in the interrogation and alleged torture.

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KUALA LUMPUR: A 32-year-old man suspected to have been involved in the shooting of two men in Bandar Tun Razak two weeks ago may have been murdered while in remand.

City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Mohamad Saleh said post-mortem results revealed the victim might have been murdered while in police custody at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters.

The suspect, identified as N. Dharmendran had complained of chest pains at about 9pm on Tuesday while being detained at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters lock-up.

He was immediately sent to the Kuala Lumpur hospital for treatment but died upon arrival there, police said.

“We have referred the matter to Bukit Aman CID.

“A Bukit Aman CID investigator will be appointed to get investigate the case,” he said.

He said the suspect was detained on May 13 along with three others following the shooting two days earlier.

Meanwhile, lawyer N. Surendran, who represented the suspect's family, said he was also waiting for the post-mortem report.

He alleged that Dharmendran had injury marks on his body.

The lawyer demanded that a full inquiry into the incident should be done by the Home Ministry and the police.

Surendran, who is also PKR vice-president, said Dharmendran's family would not give up until they find out what had caused his death.

He claimed there were bruises on the suspect's body and even staple marks.

On May 11, the two men, both 29, got into an argument with a group of people before leaving a restaurant in Bandar Tun Razak on a motorcycle.

They sustained multiple injuries after the group gave chase and fired several shots at them. They were then rushed to Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Credit Thestar

[pullquote_left]Pelik semua mati kerana sakit dada spt apa yg dipersoal dalam video dibawah. Spt biasa polis akan tubuh pasukan siasatan. SOP tahanan lokap mungkin perlu diubah....apa kata kaum india kini terhadap PDRM - Harap siasatan disegerakan dan bawa kemuka pengadilan sesiapa yg didapati terlibat jika ada. [/pullquote_left]

"Mengapa ambil anak saya?" begitulah ratapan ibu N Dharmendran, 31, yang mati dalam tahanan, sewaktu upacara pengebumian di rumah mereka di Bandar Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, hari ini.

Saraswathi, 58, meratap bahawa kini tiada siapa lagi yang akan menjaganya, kerana anaknya sudah tiada lagi.

Saraswathi (tengah dalam gambar) tidak dapat menahan kesedihannya ketika duduk di sebelah keranda anaknya, dengan pipinya dibasahi air mata.

Suaminya, G Narayanasamy, 59, hanya mampu merenung sepi. Matanya digenangi air mata, sambil tangannya berdoa. Kira-kira 100 orang hadir memberi penghormatan terakhir kepada Dharmendran.

Saraswathi meraung beberapa kali sambil tangannya meraut wajah anaknya.

Menantu perempuannya, J Marry, 28, duduk di kerusi dan sekali sekala menyentuh kaki suaminya itu, atau bergerak ke sisinya, sambil tangannya menggeletar mengusap rambut, pipi dan badan yang kaku itu.

N Surendran, peguam keluarga tersebut menggesa kematian Dharmendran disiasat dan beliau percaya anggota polis yang menangkap Dharmendran bertanggungjawab terhadap kematiannya.

Bercakap dalam satu sidang akhbar di ibupejabat polis kontinjen Kuala
Lumpur, Surendran (kiri) yang juga naib presiden PKR dan ahli parlimen Padang Serai, turut menggesa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mengambil tindakan segera dalam perkara itu.

"Mereka memegang kuasa untuk membawa perubahan supaya tidak ada orang lain lagi yang akan mati dalam lokap," katanya. Sumber kredit Malaysiakini



dharmendran dan najib razak

dharmendran dead body

dharmendran funeral

N Dharmendran Mother Sarawathi

dharmendran mother

dharmendran polis bunuh