Browsing Category "syria war news"

Battles intensify in Syria's strategic city of Homs

Free Syrian Army fighters climb up a ladder to walk through a hole in a wall during an offensive against forces loyal to Syria's Preside...

Iran to send 4,000 troops to aid President Assad forces in Syria

Washington’s decision to arm Syria’s Sunni Muslim rebels has plunged America into the great Sunni-Shia conflict of the Islamic Middle East, ...

Syria's rebel fighters brace themselves for Aleppo assault

Five brothers who are members of a rebel group called Martyr Al-Abbas, operating under the Free Syrian Army, pose for a picture in Aleppo. ...

The Fall of al-Qusayr: Capture of Strategic Syrian Town

Forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar Assad carry the national flag as they ride on motorcycles in al-Qusayr, after the Syrian army t...