Browsing Category "Latest News Syria"

Israeli submarine responsible for July sttack on Syrian arms depot

Israeli submarine "Dolphin" (AFP Photo / Gali Tibbon) SYRIA: Israeli submarines carried out the attack on an arms depot in the Syr...

Syrian rebel fighters 'war within a civil war'

Ghostly look of Syria town bombed. Many Free Syria Army soldiers fear that without heavy weapons they cannot win the war. Photo credit Reute...

'War within War' Free Syria Army rebel leader 'killed by Islamist group'

Footage believed to be of Kamal Hamami though not fully authenticated. Photo credit BBC News Syria: A senior rebel commander in Syria is rep...

U.S. arms haven't reached Free Syrian Army, analysts say

Rebels in Syria may receive U.S. weapons. (Photo credit: AP) [pullquote_left] Syria chemical weapons 'most worrying terror threat to US ...

Syrian Opposition Offered Truce To Assad For Month of Ramadhan

Free Syrian Army fighters ( Pic credit - Reuters/Ammar Abdullah) Syria, Homs: The Syrian opposition has offered Assad's forces a tru...

Syria News: Qatar Funnels Arms, Shoulder Fired Missiles To Rebels - FSA

Qatar King Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani -  Pic credit Gettys Image WASHINGTON / Qatar Emirates — As an intermittent supply of arms to t...

3 German Aid Workers Missing For 45 Days In Syria Feared Dead

Photo credit Huffington Post BERLIN - Three German aid workers have been missing in Syria for 45 days were likely kidnapped, their employer ...