Penang State assemblyman employs first 'transgender' LGBT activistHazreen Shaik Daud

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 9:07 PTG
Photo credit MSN Malaysia

Penang Georgetown: Seen as yet another first for Penang and perhaps Malaysia, a transgender has been engaged to assist Teh Yee Cheu oversee the transgender community’s welfare, after the proposal was tabled and approved in the State Assembly last week.

Teh who is the Tanjung Bungah representative, heads the panel with the support of both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan National representatives, including State opposition leader, Jahara Hamid.

The committee, set to be formed within two months, aims to collect data and alleviate the status and social stigma associated with the transgender community. The committee plans to also conduct forums and spread public awareness on the issue as reported by MSN Malaysia.

[quote]“…they have rights over their bodies, and have a right to decide what gender they are most comfortable with,” said Teh.[/quote]

[caption id="attachment_3361" align="aligncenter" width="470"]Hazreen Shaik Daud mak nyah lgbt Photo credit Malaysiakini - MRM[/caption]

At a press conference today (10/7/13), Teh, who proudly claims to walk the talk, announced that he had engaged transgender Hazreen Shaik Daud as his political secretary.

“I am thankful to YB Teh for giving me the opportunity to work with him,” said Hazreen, a 33 year old diploma holder who speaks fluent Mandarin and English besides the national language. Hazreen is expected to assume duties on July 15 and had previously worked for an NGO known as the Penang Family Health Development.

The demure and pretty ‘lady’ revealed her concerns over employment opportunities available to the transgender.

“Even with qualifications, we are turned down just because of how we look,” she said, adding that she would eventually want to operate her own boutique.

An edict, issued by the Fatwa Committee National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia held on 13th December 1989, had declared that sex change was prohibited under the Shariah. According to Chong Eng, facilitator to the committee who also holds the State EXCO portfolio for Youth and Sports, Women, Family and Community Development claims that there are between 10 and 50 thousand transgender persons in Malaysia.