Insulting The Agong, Melissa Gooi Please Stand Up?

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 2:25 PTG
KUALA LUMPUR: Over the weekend several police reports were lodged against a Facebook profile belonging to a woman who is said to have insulted the King, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah.

Kuala Lumpur Deputy Chief of Police, Datuk Amar Singh confirmed receiving reports from 6 NGOs saying that the case is now being investigated under Section 4 (1) (b) of the Sedition Act 1948.

The Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM) was among those who lodged a report via its chief activist Datuk Nadzim Johan.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has also ordered the police to investigate the claims.

On Sunday, the New Straits Times quoted Ahmad Zahid as saying, "All Malaysians must respect the King as an institution of the nation."

Checks on the internet found several blogs sharing a screen caption of the alleged insults that is believed to have been started by an account under the name Melissa Gooi.

The insult started when Melissa Gooi wrote on her status update: Anyone listening to the speech? Grrr!

It is believed the comment was made during the King's birthday speech which was aired live on national television last Friday night.

Several of her Facebook friends commented on the update which also contributed to insulting the King further.

The other individuals involved, based on the screen grab of the incident, are Weennee Tan, Shuh Chien Loo, Hun Keat Wong and Carol Tay.

However at this point, it is unclear whether the accounts are real or anonymous accounts using fictitious names.

Although the insults looked more like a conversation between friends, some of what was said showed them crossing the line into making allegations against the royal institution and insulting the King.

melissa gooi

A screengrab of the incident in full.

Further scrutiny on Facebook today however found that the accounts above either no longer exist or have been closed to public searches.

Earlier, Perak DAP chairman Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham took to his Twitter account criticizing MCA for being subservient to the Sultan of Johor, which indirectly also amounted to insulting Malaysia's royal institution.

Ngeh said on his Twitter, ""MCA is subservient to Umno, now subservient to Sultan. MCA can't make any stand on its own? How to represent the people?"

The posting on May 16 is reported to have been in response to MCA's Datuk Tee Siew Kiong who was appointed Johor state exco by the Johor Sultan, despite the central leadership of the party's stand on not accepting any federal or government posts after it had fared badly in the 13th general election (GE13).

While Opposition leaders fail to see the need to protect the sanctity of the royal institution, normal citizens can take this as an example of not having to show respect to the Agong and Sultans in Malaysia.

Datuk Nadzim highlighted an incident last year where an American was punished for insulting the Thai King in a bid to point out that Malaysia must not allow people to make disrespectful comments towards our King.

If any of mD's readers are aware of the Facebook accounts mentioned above, we would like to hear from you. This is so we can get in touch with these individuals and get their two cents on the matter and find out why such remarks were uttered.

The KL-Chronicle's website exposing the unconfirmed identity of one Melissa Gooi who is believed to be a marketing manager for a cosmetic company.

Click here for the posting by The KL Chronicle.