Changes in The Malaysian Insider - Jahabar Sadiq

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 5:35 PTG
JUNE 14, 2013

JUNE 14 - Just a short note to our regular readers. Some of you may have read news stories about changes in the editorial team of The Malaysian Insider. Online journalism is a hard taskmaster and over the past five years of our existence, we have embraced and farewelled many talents, each of whom has worn out much shoe leather to the thin end to bring you the latest Inside information. Some by pages, others by volumes.

Today, we farewell some names that have been on your Insider screen for more than the average spin, part of an inspired, driven and solid news team led by Executive Editor Leslie Lau and Managing Editor Joan Lau as they go on to launch a new venture together. The management and editorial team of The Malaysian Insider congratulate them on it and hope you, our readers, will join us in wishing them the very best. It means another new(s) ship is launched to serve Malaysia and that can only be a good thing.

For The Malaysian Insider, the brand moves on to bigger promises. We will continue to make sure you, the reader, has the Inside track. We continue to welcome your feedback, your lively comments on our stories and most of all, your company as we aim to continue to publish news that makes sense of Malaysia.