Life’s hard for Non-Muslims or Chinese in Kedah - Video

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 1:30 PG

KUALA LUMPUR: Life has been tough for non-Muslims under the PAS-led Kedah Government, according to two 30-second videos released by MCA Youth.

They show the state's Chinese voters venting their frustration at the state government's policies, which they perceive as unfair.

They include the 50% bumiputra housing quota, guidelines forbidding women from performing on stage during Chinese New Year and non-renewal of entertainment licences during Ramadan.

Other grouses include non-Muslim businesses forced to stop operations during Muslim prayer times and enforcing gender segregation during New Year countdown concerts.

Kedahans also complained about the lack of development, corruption and unfulfilled promises in the five years Pakatan has run the state.

Both videos have been uploaded on

MCA Youth education bureau chief Chong Sin Woon said that despite assurances from DAP, PAS policies had affected non-Muslims.

“I urge non-Muslims to look at the policies implemented by the state government over the last five years.

“This is what will happen if they were to take over the Federal Government,” he said at a press conference.

He said more videos on other Pakatan Rakyat-governed states would be released soon.

“The videos are real. The Chinese in Kedah feel oppressed and given a chance, will vote PAS out,” said Chong.

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