Boston Marathon Bomb Video & Picture

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 3:07 PTG

BOSTON - Experts terrorism United States (U.S.), there were three parties are to blame for the tragedy Boston. But it is fairly certain experts, the bomb that exploded in Boston is a work of a terrorist group in the country.

According to terrorism expert from the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, JM Berger, there are three parties associated with the bombing. They are a group of international terrorists, domestic organization, or a psychopath.

However, Berger argued, time and place of the explosion shows that the perpetrator tried to draw media attention. Berger quite sure, that the explosion was the work of U.S. citizens.

"It can be regarded as a domestic terrorist act," Berger said, citing an incident in Waco in 1993, when the U.S. extremists surrounded by security forces, as quoted by ABC, Tuesday (04/16/2013).

"Nonetheless, this is Patriot Day, which is seen as a historic day.'s Also a Tax Day and there was terror-related events of those days," he added.

Berger added that the attack will not contain any political motive if it is true that the perpetrator is a psychopath. A mentally ill offenders who could have been an explosion of a buff and does not have a political agenda.

So far, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and several other U.S. security agencies are still hunting for the evidence and the bomber also. A U.S. academics had argued, the search for the facts in this incident is a very difficult task.

The bomb attack organized into the worst attack ever attacked the United States after the tragedy of 9/11. President Barack Obama also seemed to be careful in this case. AFP

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