PDRM: Hardcore traffic offenders face arrest at home

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 7:39 PTG

KUALA LUMPUR: Police will be going after hundreds of thousands of hardcore traffic offenders when they kick off Ops Warta next month.

Bukit Aman traffic chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Mohd Fuad Abdul Latiff said they had not forgotten about those traffic offenders who had outstanding warrants of arrest.

“To date, 2.49 million of the 4.09 million warrants of arrests have already been settled. “Now we are looking at the remaining 39% (1.59 million),” he said at Bukit Aman yesterday.

 In 2008, traffic police had embarked on a door-to-door operation to serve warrants of arrest to traffic offenders.