Malaysians Rallied Against US Fox News For Biased MH370 Report

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 10:18 PTG

Malaysian netizens rallied against US based media, Fox News for reports linking MH370 pilot and co-pilot with terrorism that was seen as a move to 'single-out' Muslims in Malaysia - Pic: The Mole

KUALA LUMPUR : Malaysians had started to rally online against US-based media, Fox News Channel for its reports on the recent MH370 tragedy that was deemed to be biased and unethical in nature.

The news television channel reportedly linked MH370 pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah and co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid with terrorism, hi-jacking and sabotage claims that had shed a bad light for Muslims in Malaysia.

Netizens who found the report to be provocative and prejudiced towards Islam expressed their dissatisfaction on Twitter.
User, Nazrul Azwan had tweeted: “Stop spreading lies about Islam & Malaysia. We are not terrorist. CNN : Constant Negative News. #BoycottCNN #BoycottFoxNews.”

Enraged netizen, Nita Aermiy tweeted: “@FoxNews what do u know about Islam or Malaysia?? #BoycottCNN #boycottfoxnews.”

Another user, Aidil tweeted: “Please stop blaming the pilot! Stop blaming our PM! Stop blaming MAS! ban #FOXNEWS #RIPMH370.”

Meanwhile, Facebook user Au Thien Poh posted: “It isn't fair to judge our Muslim brothers as such. We Malaysians regardless of race, creed and religion stand strongly behind our Muslim brothers in our beloved country.”

User, Aravind Velayuthum posted: “What is wrong with this stupid TV station? Why do you have to generalise all Muslims as terrorists? I live in this Muslim country and I have lots and lots of Muslim friends and none of them are anything close to your stupid generalisation!”

Another user, May Ho posted: “People are so racist. Just because you're Muslim doesn't mean it's always terrorism. I mean, the western countries are also terrorists. Just because some people bombed some parts of the US and cause some injuries here and there, the US went and killed 15,000 other people. This is ridiculous and outrageous.”

Prior to this, The Mole reported that Malaysian authorities continues to receive "bad press" especially from the Western media and highlighted the opinion of Washington Post columnist and frequent MSNBC talking head Eugene Robinson who criticised the manner that CNN conducted its reporting on MH370.

Malaysian writer who goes by the pseudonym KijangMas Perkasa, wrote an article exposing the ugliness of the Western media in their reporting of the missing MAS aircraft the MH370.

He pointed out that in the sudden, overzealous and exaggerated sympathy shown by the Western media towards the next of kins of the 152 Chinese passengers, they seem to ignore that there are 87 other passengers of other nationals on board who were equally grieving.

It was also reported that Australia’s television programme, ‘A Current Affair’ came under fire when it was criticised by netizens due to what was deemed as unethical content.

Earlier on Monday,Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced that the missing MAS flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean as concluded by British investigators, Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB).

He said that MAS, together with AAIB, determined that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth.

Malaysia Airlines  Flight 370, with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, disappeared about an hour after leaving the KL International Airport at 12.41 am on March 8. It was scheduled to arrive in Beijing at 6.30 am on the same day.
- The Mole