Flight MH370: U.S. law firm takes first step toward suing Boeing Co. over missing plane

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 5:05 PTG
Latest news Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Boeing court case in United States of America - A model of a Boeing 777 aircraft is displayed as representatives of US law firm Ribbeck Law Chartered International hold a media briefing at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur on March 26, 2014. ED JONES/AFP/Getty Images

CHICAGO – Court documents that often precede a lawsuit have been filed by a U.S. law firm on behalf of a relative of a passenger on missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

The filing in Chicago asks a judge to order Malaysia Airlines and Chicago-based Boeing Co. to turn over documents related to the possible “negligence” that caused the Boeing 777 to crash, including any documentation about the chances of “fatal depressurization” in the cockpit.

“Additional pleadings will be filed in the next few days against other potential defendants who are designers and manufacturers of the component parts that may have failed in the aircraft,” Chicago-based Ribbeck Law Chartered attorney Monica Kelly said in a statement. The documents filed Tuesday in Cook County Circuit Court seek to preserve evidence.

They were filed on behalf of Januari Siregar, who the law firm says is a relative of Indonesian-born passenger Firman Chandra Siregar [Koran-Sindo News]. The filings were not clear about their exact relationship.

Kelly said lawyers are asking a judge to order Boeing to provide the names of companies that manufactured the locator beacon, the electric components, batteries and fire alarm systems, the emergency oxygen generators and those who last inspected the aircraft’s fuselage. The law firm is also seeking from Malaysian Airlines the identities of people with information about the training of the crew; their physical and psychological evaluations; and the security practices of the airline.

Read more Globalnews

boeing office


Berita terkini saman kes saman Boeing Malaysia Airlines isu pesawat MH370 hilang terhempas di lautan Hindi Mahkamah US - Foto www.dw.de

Malaysia Airlines (MAS) hari ini berkata ia menerima salinan petisyen yang difailkan di mahkamah agung Amerika Syarikat, bagi pihak seorang penumpang yang menaiki pesawat MH370 yang hilang, terhadap pengeluar pesawat, Boeing Company dan MAS.

MAS berkata peguamnya sudah dimaklumkan mengenainya dan bersedia menguruskan kes itu “walaupun ia belum diserahkan secara formal”.

"Kami faham bahawa ini bukan saman tetapi permohonan menerusi mahkamah untuk memperoleh maklumat," kata MAS dalam maklumannya kepada Bursa Malaysia hari ini.

Penerbangan MH370, membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 anak kapal, berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pada 12.41 pagi 8 Mac dan hilang daripada skrin radar semasa terbang di Laut China Selatan.

Pencarian oleh pasukan keselamatan pelbagai negara sedang giat dilakukan di koridor selatan Lautan Hindi untuk mencari pesawat syarikat penerbangan negara itu. – Bernama