4 Police offices plead not guilty killing Dharmendran

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 12:19 PG
Three of the four policemen involved in interrogating N Dharmendran have been charged for his murder, signaling a victory for his family, their lawyers and the Malaysian Indian community at large.

"Saya puas hati ... I am satisfied but I will wait for the trial and I will watch very carefully. I want to thank all Malaysians who have supported my plea for justice for my husband and our child," M Marry, his widow, told Malaysia Chronicle at the sidelines of the trial.n dharmendran protest hindu india malaysia police

"I still want those who are guilty to get what they deserve even if it means hanging to death."

She also told Malaysia Chronicle she remembered seeing the three policemen at the lockup when she went to see her husband on the day he was killed. She had gone to bring him some 'nasi ayam' or chicken rice but the police had refused to let her give it to him.


PUTRAJAYA : Police personnel involved in the death of detainee N Dharmendran will be charged for murder under Section 302 of the Penal Code, said Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.

Abdul Gani said the special task force established by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to investigate the matter completed its investigation and submitted the investigation papers to the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) on Tuesday, June 4.

“Based on the evidence gathered through the investigation, I have decided to proffer a murder charge under section 302 of the Penal Code against the police personnel involved.

“The police personnel concerned are to be indicted in court this afternoon,” said Abdul Gani in a statement today.

It is understood that the police personnel are to be charged at the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate Court.

Abdul Gani said the AGC views the death of a detainee while in custody of a law enforcement agency seriously, and is committed to dealing with any alleged wrong-doing leading to the death of Dharmendran in accordance with the law.

“Although the events involved are regrettable, the swift action of the Royal Malaysia Police to address the death of Dharmendran is nonetheless commendable and reflects the commitment of the police to uphold the integrity of the institution of the Royal Malaysia Police,” he added.

Earlier last week, it was reported that the policemen implicated in Dharmendran's death have been reassigned to desk duties pending the completion of the probe into the case.

The move however, sparked public outrage, with various groups demanding for their immediate suspension.

On Monday, Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the police officers linked to the death of Dharmendran are expected to be suspended from active duty.

On May 21, 31-year old Dharmendran was found dead in his cell while under police custody at the Kuala Lumpur Contingent Headquarters (IPK Kuala Lumpur).

He was arrested on May 11, 2013 on suspicion of attempted murder involving firearms and had been held under remand from May 12, 2013 until his death.

Initially, Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Ku Chin Wah reportedly said that Dharmendran died due to “breathing difficulties”.

However, post-mortem examination conducted at the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital on May 22 revealed that the cause of death was determined to be “diffused soft tissue injuries due to multiple blunt force trauma”


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