2 years old boy abuse to death

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 3:06 PG
MALACCA - A lovers’ spat caused an innocent two-year-old boy to die from repeated bashings by a 21-year-old man alleged to be his father.

It is learnt the boy’s 19-year-old mother had dumped the child at the home of her boyfriend some time in May after telling him the little Mohd Adib Ghafaran Abdullah was his son.

The man, said to be awaiting sentencing over a statutory rape case, denied the boy was his and accused the woman of having many partners.

His family refused to take care of the child as they did not approve of the man’s relationship with the boy’s mother.

Mohd Adib’s incessant cries irritated him and led to assaults against the boy, which grew more violent since early this month.

On June 17, he rushed the boy to the Malacca Hospital, where doctors found elements of abuse and lodged a police report against the man.

However, the child’s head injuries were too severe and Mohd Adib died a few days later.

Police detained the man at his home in Sungai Udang, near here, where he admitted to having abused the child because he could not stand the boy’s cries for his mother.

He also confessed he slammed the child’s head against the wall to punish him for urinating on the bed.

State Woman, Family Development and Welfare committee chairman Datuk Latipah Omar said she had received a report on the case and asked the welfare department to locate Mohd Adib’s mother.

“My intention is to provide counselling and rehabilitate the child’s mother, apart from finding out if she has any other children born out of wedlock.

“This is a police case and the suspect is behind bars but our main concern is whether the teenager had any other children as they would probably share the same fate if we don’t do anything,” she said.