UMNO info chief's vulgarity raises character questions

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 2:48 PTG
May 17: The choice of words almost always reveals a person’s character. And in the case of UMNO information chief Ahmad Maslan, his moral credibility is now anyone's guess following his use of extremely vulgar analogy to drive home a point against political opponents.

Writing in the UMNO mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia, Ahmad (right) urged the opposition to "stop sodomising the people's mind", in arguing that the opposition should not think they had won the recent general election just because they had more popular votes.

“They must understand the law of the country and stop embarrassing themselves. Don’t ‘sodomise’ knowledge and wisdom. It’s a shame, respect the people,” wrote Ahmad without any inhibition.

Echoing the earlier ranting by newly appointed Home minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who told those disputing the election results to leave Malaysia, Ahmad then sought to educate his readers on how elections are conducted.

Ahmad's choice of words however should not surprise readers.

In 2011, he bragged about watching pornography, during the 'sex video' episode to implicate Anwar Ibrahim, masterminded by three individuals comprising former Melaka chief minister Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, as well as UMNO-linked businessmen Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Shuib Lazim Abdul Rahim

“I have seen the video and believe that Anwar Ibrahim is in the video ... Yes, I watched it with my wife,” he told reporters.

In an immediate response then, DAP's Petaling Jaya Utara member of parliament Tony Pua had this to say: “I find it amusing that top leaders in UMNO can't wait to announce to press that they've watched the video. I didn't and I'm proud of it."

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