MBA Programmes in Malaysia and Singapore Directory

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 4:41 PG

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master’s degree in business administration and is an increasingly popular course offered by Business Schools around the world. It attracts students from a wide range of academic disciplines and working background.
A typical MBA course consists of two parts: core courses and major. Students traditionally study a wide breadth of core courses in the program’s first year, then pursue a specialized curriculum or major in the second year.

The core courses in the MBA program introduce students to the various areas of business such as accounting, economics, finance, international business, organizational behavior, marketing, strategy, operations management etc. After completing the core courses, students in the MBA program can choose an area of concentration or major.
Admissions criteria
Most programs base admission on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), the undergraduate results, work experience, academic transcripts, essays, references or letters of recommendation and personal interviews.
Why do a MBA?
1 enhance your capability to lead, think and act strategically
the ability to apply knowledge to your own organisation and many other situations
2 gives you a holistic view of the organization and other departments as well as the environment that the organization is in.
3 knowledge and expertise to meet the challenges of senior management
help you gain promotion and move up the career ladder faster.
4 network with other students and alumni group.
5 increase your employability.
6 extend your leadership capabilities.
7 gain subject area expertise


Selecting the proper MBA programme for your future is not an easy task. Every institution out there tells you about the quality of their programmes and how they would benefit you. Here, is a compilation of MBA programme prices offered by institutions in Malaysia. Do note that the prices offered are for local students and they are separated into three tiers based on pricing alone.

top mba program ranking

Tier 1 (RM10,000-20,000)

Tier 2 (RM20,000-40,000)

Tier 3 (RM40,000-60,000)

Even though the MBA programmes here are recognised by the MQA, MBAs offered by the following have better international standing:*For more accurate pricing, please contact the institutions.

*Chart: Price MBA programmes with foreign recognition

You may probably ask why you should pay more for an MBA programme if there are cheaper offers. Tier 3 and the higher Tier 2 MBA programmes offer more than what an ordinary MBA programme does. All MBA programmes listed are MoHE and MQA approved, but for those that cost more, they offer additional recognition and more exposure to international issues.

From Binary University up until the priciest MBA programme offered by Nottingham University Malaysia, graduates from these programmes will have foreign recognition from foreign universities and/or countries that approve the MBA programme. Take Heriot-Watt University Malaysia’s MBA programme for example, it has international recognition and graduates from this programme need not worry about recognition when they apply for jobs outside their

Overall, the term ‘you get what you pay for’ applies to MBA programmes offered by Malaysia. Whether it is recognition, how classes are conducted or the modules in the programme, what matters here is how your chosen MBA programme would affect you and your future. If you or your organisation has no plans to sending you overseas for work, sticking to the local MBA plan will still get you ahead in terms of career advancement.

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