CIMB Islamic Contributes RM100,000 to Support National Al-Quran Recitation Competition

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 4:22 PG

Kuala Lumpur: The 4th National Inter-University Al-Quran Recitation Competition (Majlis Musabaqah Tilawah Al-Quran Antara Universiti Peringkat Kebangsaan) received a boost when CIMB Islamic contributed RM100,000 as a commitment to being the “Knowledge Partner” (“Rakan Ilmu”) of the annual competition.

To officiate the sponsorship, Badlisyah Abdul Ghani, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, CIMB Islamic, and Raja Noorma Raja Othman, Chief Executive Officer, CIMB Foundation presented a mock cheque to Khalek Awang, President of Yayasan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (YPIM) in a ceremony recently.

“CIMB Islamic’s commitment as the Knowledge Partner is part of our corporate responsibility initiatives to support programmes that provide education and learning opportunities to the youth and in this instance university students. We also hope that our contribution will enable greater promotion of the competition through better incentives and prizes for the participants, thus attracting a keener contest,” said Badlisyah

CIMB Islamic is CIMB Group’s global Islamic banking and finance franchise, while CIMB Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up to implement the Group’s corporate social responsibility and philanthropic initiatives.

Organised by YPIM, the highly acclaimed competition serves as a platform to discover talent in Quranic recitation among university students. It also aims to uplift the standard of civil society through education, in line with CIMB Group’s overall corporate responsibility’s investment in driving the transformation towards a knowledge-based economy.

The competition will see students from various universities nationwide battle it out for the title of Champion Reciter in the male and female categories respectively. The champions will each receive the newly introduced CIMB Islamic Challenge Trophy.

Themed “Al-Quran Penunjuk Jalan, Cahaya Keimanan”, the competition will be judged by a panel of jury from Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia and intellectuals from various higher learning institutions.

“We wish to thank CIMB Islamic for their support. We believe an educational yet competitive programme like this, which is supported by universities across the country, will pave way for similar programmes. YPIM is committed to continuously bring quality programmes to empower people with knowledge,” said Khalek.

Puan Sri Datin Hajjah Noorainee Abdul Rahman, the wife of Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister, is the patron of YPIM.

Members of the public are invited to the final rounds of the competition on Saturday, 18 May 2013, 7.30 pm at the Islamic Arts Museum in Kuala Lumpur.

For more information about the competition, please contact Kamarulzaman bin Dolmat of YPIM at 03-4142 5384 / 017-3097906.