Browsing Category "jerusalem"

Imam Mahdi 2013: Israel’s Sanhedrin Ready to Accept him as King Messiah

By Walid Shoebat via  Shoebat Foundation Whoever imagined that before Jesus’ second coming that Israel must be reestablished with the Sanhed...

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel - Miko Peled

Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a well known and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Isra...

Netanyahu greet Mahmoud Abbas on month of Ramadhan

Netanyahu and Abbas positive negotiation's Israel National News photo: Flash 90 Tel Aviv: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke on Sun...

Israel launches air raids on Gaza

No injuries reported after Israel said it hit northern Gaza in response to rockets fired by Palestinian fighters. Israel has launched air ra...