4 Syrian generals among 31 dead in rebel bomb attack (VIDEO)

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 2:40 PG
Photo credit RT News Russia

SYRIA: A rebel bomb attack has killed 31 Syrian military troops on an army base near Damascus. It came as government forces were on an offensive against the rebels on Sunday, AFP reported. Four generals died in the attack report RT News.

"Three generals and a brigadier-general were among 31 troops killed in a bomb attack that caused a building in the army transport base in Harasta to collapse,'' Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdul Rahman said.

The rebel group Direh al-Aasmeh (Shield of Damascus) brigade - which is part of the Western-backed Free Syrian Army - has claimed responsibility for the attack, posting a video of the blast on YouTube. The video shows the military building collapsing.
