Egypt: Morsi Supporters Shot Dead At Barracks

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 8:07 PG

A portrait of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi is seen on barbed wire outside the Republican Guard headquarters in Cairo July 6, 2013. Egypt counted its dead on Saturday after Islamists enraged by the overthrow of Mursi took to the streets in an explosion of violence against what they denounced as a military coup.Photo credit  to REUTERS/ Khaled Abdullah.

[pullquote_left]Please be aware of falsified death count report circulating on the net. MRM [/pullquote_left]Conflicting reports claim up to 35 people were killed when members of the Muslim Brotherhood attacked a Republican Guard facility in Cairo.

The Egyptian military said one of their officers was killed and 40 more wounded in the shooting when a "terrorist group" tried to storm the army base at dawn, state TV reported.

A spokesman for Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood said its members were unarmed and were fired upon while praying outside the building and up to 34 of their members were killed. Medical sources said they were aware of at least 16 dead.

Murad Ali of the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party said that shooting broke out in the early hours of this morning while the Islamists staged a sit-in outside the Republican Guard barracks where deposed president Mohamed Morsi is being held.

An Egyptian news channel broadcast footage of what appeared to be five men killed in the violence, and medics applying cardiopulmonary resuscitation to an unconscious man at a makeshift clinic at the sit-in.

Demonstrators said that troops and police had fired tear gas canisters and bullets into the air to disperse the protesters, who were determined to stage an indefinite sit-in, a protester said to sources News Sky.

[pullquote_right]Another protester, Mahmud al-Shilli, confirmed that security forces fired into the air, adding that a group of men in civilian clothing had attacked the protesters.[/pullquote_right]

"The Republican Guard fired tear gas but the thugs came from the side. We were the target," Mr Shilli said.

Earlier, demonstrators claimed that troops and police had fired tear gas canisters and live rounds to disperse them.
Morsi supporters have been protesting outside the barracks for several days
"I saw with my own eyes the people who they shot at," one protester said, adding that several people had been injured.

On Friday at the same spot, four Islamists were shot dead by soldiers.

The armed forces overthrew President Morsi last Wednesday, backed by massive street demonstrations Brotherhood supporters have been staging daily protests ever since.

The claims have not been independently verified.