Now, UMNO goes after Anwar’s citizenship

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 7:52 PTG
May 13: Sacking, beating, jailing, sodomy accusations. After none of these succeeded in putting down opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, an UMNO member has urged that he be stripped of Malaysian citizenship.

The action is to 'punish' the former deputy prime minister for the series of large-scale rallies headed by him to protest electoral frauds.

UMNO's official news portal UMNO Online quoted a former PKR member who joined UMNO in 2010, Fairuz Khairuddin, who briefly occupied the Penang deputy Chief Minister I post, as saying that Anwar was a serious threat to national security.anwar ibrahim penjara

“If Anwar continues to instigate the people to break and challenge the sovereignty of the country's laws the implication of which will be chaos, then a motion to strip him of his citizenship must be tabled in parliament,” said Fairuz.

Fairuz even suggested that Malaysia's security and peace can be guaranteed without the former deputy prime minister.

“I believe he will not stop to instigate the people and create chaos in the country,” he said.

Several rallies addressed by Anwar since May 8 have recorded massive attendance. On May 8, some 120,000 people gathered at the Petaling Jaya Stadium, barely 48 hours after Anwar issued the call to protest the manner in which polling was conducted on May 5.

Similar crowds were also seen in Penang and Ipoh over the weekend.

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