Kapten James Anthony On World Record Around The Globe Solo FlyingExpedition - ITRW

Ana Ghoib Syeikh Malaya 7:06 PTG

A 21-year-old Malaysian pilot will attempt to set a world record by flying 14,000 nautical miles around the globe on a solo expedition for 50 days using a single piston aircraft, Cessna 210. Pic credit johnnyjet

Captain James Anthony Tan from Sungai Long, Kajang, will take-off on his historical voyage as “the first Malaysian from ASEAN country to have flown around the world solo” on February 23 at the Subang Skypark, which will be launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

The current record holder, as the youngest pilot to have flown around the globe, is a Swiss, Captain Carlo Schmid, who flew solo last year at the age of 22.

Tan had last year earned a place in The Malaysian Book of Records as the youngest pilot, who flew solo for 13,803 nautical miles on a single-piston aircraft from the United Kingdom to Bangkok, Thailand.

“I wish to perform this feat in 2013 and represent 1Malaysia for this mission. Once accomplished, not only Malaysia would have its first flight around the world, but also be the proud holder of the record for having the youngest in the world since 1924 to hold this historic record,” he told.

The 1Malaysia Around The World (1RTW) program is jointly organised by the Young Malaysian Pilot Association, MINDEF and Malaysian FELDA Youth Council. The Government has sponsored 10% of the program while the rest is sourced from private sectors.

Bahasa Malaysia:

KUALA LUMPUR: Juruterbang Malaysia, Kapten James Anthony Tan akan memulakan ekspedisi solo '1Malaysia Around The World' (1RTW), mengelilingi dunia selama 50 hari menggunakan pesawat satu enjin Selasa ini.

Tan, 21, akan terbang sejauh 22,000 batu nautika meliputi 20 negara termasuk negara ASEAN, Russia, Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, Pakistan, Arab Saudi, Itali, Perancis dan United Kingdom.

"Saya berharap untuk meninggalkan legasi terutama dalam kalangan belia agar berani melakukan yang dianggap mustahil," katanya pada sidang media di sini, hari ini.

Katanya, dengan cara itu, anak muda di negara ini akan menjadi pemimpin masa depan yang lebih baik.

Dilahirkan dengan disleksia, anak muda itu pernah mencipta nama dalam Malaysian Book of Records sebagai 'The Youngest Malaysian to Fly a Single Engine Piston Aircraft in an Expedition'.

[quote]Jika berjaya, ekspedisi 1RTW yang dianjur bersama Persatuan Juruterbang Muda Malaysia, Majlis Belia FELDA Malaysia dan 1Malaysia for Youth (1M4U) itu akan tercatat dalam World Guiness Book of Records sebagai "The Youngest Pilot in Malaysia and South East Asia To Have Flown Around the World."[/quote]

Penerbangan Tan dijadual dilancar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak di Langkawi sempena Pameran Maritim dan Udara Antarabangsa Langkawi (LIMA) 2013. - BERNAMA
malaysia flying herald

source credit to: MFH